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anilao ottobre 2018

View gallery (51 photos)

Squid sent on January 13, 2019 (16:50) by Ceresi Claudio. 58 comments, 5421 views.  [editors pick]

, 1/250 f/20.0, ISO 320, hand held.

View High Resolution 2.7 MP  

267 persons like it: 7h3 L4w, Adele.latella, Adnexart, Agata Arezzo, Alago, Albatroubriaco, Albieri Sergio, Alby85, Alesrog, Alessandro Callea, Alessandro Cirillo, Alessandro Murgia, Alessandro.b, Alessio.caria, Alexey, Alle Power, Alpi05, Altenmich, Alviano, Anam72, Anciardo, Andnol, Andrea Marzorati, Andrew Reutov, Antonio Sicuro, Antonioceriani, Aringhe Blu, Armando Oscar Rossi, Arsega, Arvina, Atrox, Axel73, Battista83, Beppe Lobba, Beppeverge, Blusea74, Brièxit, Bruno Vitali, Bruno55, Brutale910s, C.Pedriali, Carlmon, Carlo Gandolfo - Spinotto, Caterina Bruzzone, Champlain, Ciceri Roberto, Claudio Cortesi, Claudio Mattiuzzo, Claudio Ricci, Coradocon, Cosiminodegenerali, Cusufai, Daddotto, Damifornaio, Daniele Cavadini, Daniele Ferrari, Dario_ma, Davide Malavasi, DavideOtta, Disg, Domenico, Domenik, Donna, Dramtastic, Dtmix, Ecka, Eemac73, Emanuele Towers, Emilio Paolo, Enrico, Enzo1932, Eros Penatti, Error404, Ezallot, Fab0569, Fabio Vegetti, Fabrizio Federici, Fabrizio Miletto, Fabrizio Salatini, Fabrizios53, Fabrydf, FasoAD, Fausto Pesce, Fedebobo, Federico Funari, Federico1492, Felice Di Palma, Fiorenzo Fiorenza, Fragarbo, Framefreelance, Francesco Abbate, Francesco Guffanti, Francesco Palumbo, Franco Iannello, Frapaso, Freediver214, FuffoFaiman, G.leo65, Gabriele Cavagna, Gabrielle Martin, Gaetano Perego, Gaia Alessandro , Gatsu81, Gazebo, Giampaolo Riva, Gian Antonio Zapparoli, Gianluca Porciani, Gianluca Tomarchio Vasta, Gianni Aggravi, Gianni Gallo, Ginno, Giordano Vergani, Giulietta Cazzaro, Giuseppe Guadagno, Giuseppe Vallazza, Giuseppe.Cristofalo, Grandisde, Grost76, Guido Parmiggiani, Hamed2240, Heisen.22, Igino, Ignatius, Ignobile Olandese, Indaco, Ingdax76, Italo Carè, Iw7bzn, Jancas, Japandrea, Juza, Kalos, Karter, Larissa71, Latino Rosario, Lorenzo_mc, Louis-cyphre, Luca Ceoloni, Luca Costa, Luca Ronchi, Luca Tassi, Lucaluca, LucaPav, Luci, LucianoSerra.d, Lucini65, Lucionelli, Luigi Casetta, Luigi T., Lully, MadEmilio, Magda69, Maicol Barontini , Makka, Manaus1965, Mandelli Fabio, Manrico Chiti, Manuel.pade, Marco Anfossi, Marco Gaiotti, Marco Neri, Marco Riccardi, Marco Valentini, Marco50, Marco6691, Marcon, Marina Raimondi, Marioreds61, Mario_61, MarsCr, Masmosmeaso, Massimo Maggi, Massimoeos, Matt Winston, MatthewX, Mauelle, Maurizio Lanini, Mauriziol, Mauro Gamberini, Mauro Mazzonetto, Maurocomi8, Max Chiodini, Maxmontella, Maxviii, Meteor, Michela Checchetto, Michele Ascione, Michele Marini, Milanto64, Mirco Z, Momosoci, Mothman, Motofoto, Nedellis, Niconico681, Nightflier, Nikcola, Olovni, OsmErk, P.a.t 62, Palmieri Raimondo, Panets, PannaeFragola, Paolo Greco, Paolo M., Papy 55, Paradise01010111, Patti Patti, Peppe Cancellieri, Pete Hyne, Photoludus, Photo_monkey, Pierfilippi, Pierluigi Fogliotti, PietroBettega, Pito67, Quellolà, Riccardo Arena Trazzi, Riccardo Bocconi , Rino Orlandi, RobertMarc, Roberto Carrano, Roberto Ciccardini, Roberto Dani, Roberto1977, Roby Photo, Rodema, Ruggero Bertarello, Salvari, Savino P., Sbtutu, Scosse, Scuter1956, Sebinobmfi, Seed360, Sercarlo, Sergio Levorato, Sg67, Silvio Maccario, Sjvirum, Skylab59, Sonia_marchese, Soulkeeper, Spanu Luigi, Stampedli, Stefan.bitz, Stefania Saffioti, Stefano D'Andrea, Stefano Marangoni, StefanoMoretti, Stenogau, Supercecc56, Teamwild, Technophil, TheBlackbird, Trippa, Tristan, Ultraviolet, Valeria Marchioni, Valmic, Vincenzo De Paola, Vincenzo Sciumè, Wells, Werner, Wunderkind, Xno, Zolikron


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sent on January 13, 2019 (16:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Like the jokes
;-) Without words ;-)

sent on January 13, 2019 (16:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

So it's not worth........ amazing

sent on January 13, 2019 (17:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The extraterrestrials are coming!
photos to scream...

sent on January 13, 2019 (17:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Cheers, applause, applause.
Hello, Rosario

sent on January 13, 2019 (18:01) | This comment has been translated


sent on January 13, 2019 (18:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Wonderfully enchanting.

sent on January 13, 2019 (20:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

As we had never seen it: it's beautiful! Razor-sharp photos and extraordinary colors!

sent on January 14, 2019 (10:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Crazy, looks like a spaceship.

sent on January 14, 2019 (11:21) | This comment has been translated

Truly great photo

sent on January 14, 2019 (13:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Amazing :-o!

sent on January 14, 2019 (15:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Amazing, Congratulations Piero

sent on January 14, 2019 (16:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful... beautiful... beautiful...
Hello Raymond

sent on January 14, 2019 (16:23) | This comment has been translated


sent on January 14, 2019 (17:30) | This comment has been translated


sent on January 14, 2019 (22:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

You are a great Claudius.... :-o

sent on January 14, 2019 (23:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful, wonderful gallery. Congratulations. Greetings. Lights

sent on January 15, 2019 (7:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks everyone !!!!!!!

sent on January 15, 2019 (9:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on January 15, 2019 (17:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you so much !!!!

sent on January 28, 2019 (8:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful for subject and angle of recovery!

RCE Foto

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