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user122694 | sent on March 03, 2018 (9:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A beautiful and profound portrait with the lightness of children. Good day. Un ritratto bellissimo e profondo con la leggerezza dei bambini. Buona giornata. |
| sent on March 03, 2018 (9:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wonderful portrait! Technically perfect .. but the real strength is the expression of the child! Compliments! :-) Ritratto meraviglioso! Tecnicamente perfetto..ma il vero punto di forza è l'espressione della bimba! Complimenti! |
| sent on March 03, 2018 (10:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
beautiful portrait. Hello raffaele bellissimo ritratto. ciao raffaele |
| sent on March 03, 2018 (10:55) | This comment has been translated
Very funny! |
| sent on March 03, 2018 (11:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
but what a beautiful little model. He has a ten-praise expression. I like it. good boy ma che bellissima piccola modella. Ha un espressione da dieci e lode. mi piace. bravo |
| sent on March 03, 2018 (14:02)
Sooooo cute!!!! Thanks for sharing... Chris |
| sent on March 03, 2018 (16:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful and tender photo. Foto bella e tenera. |
| sent on March 04, 2018 (8:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful, excellent portrait. Compliments! Sergio ;-) :-P Bellissima, ottimo ritratto. Complimenti! Sergio |
| sent on March 04, 2018 (10:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Splendid expression and excellent portrait Congratulations! Hello Splendida l'espressione e ottimo il ritratto Complimenti! Ciao |
| sent on March 04, 2018 (11:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful and expressive photo. Hello, John. Foto bella ed espressiva. Ciao!Giovanni. |
| sent on March 04, 2018 (11:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Great portrait. Compliments!!!!
Hi Angel ;-) Ottimo ritratto. Complimenti!!!! Ciao, Angelo |
| sent on March 04, 2018 (11:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Great portrait with a very nice expression between the amused and the biricchino. Compliments Hi Stefano Ottimo ritratto con un'espressione molto bella tra il divertito e il biricchino. Complimenti Ciao Stefano |
| sent on March 04, 2018 (14:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wonderful portrait .. beautiful eyes ... congratulations! Hi, Carla Meraviglioso ritratto ..occhi stupendi...complimenti! Ciao, Carla |
| sent on March 04, 2018 (17:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Two naughty eyes and a nice little face are the strength of this beautiful portrait, compliments Piero Due occhioni birichini e un bel visetto simpatico sono la forza di questo bellissimo ritratto, complimenti Piero |
| sent on March 04, 2018 (17:39)
Hello... wow...superb portrait and very beautiful subject...wow eyes...great catch...congratulations nice job... Jean, Quebec, bye and good Sunday.. |

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