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user59947 | sent on November 28, 2017 (23:01) | This comment has been translated
Beautiful |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (0:45) | This comment has been translated
Beautiful! |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (9:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Delicious image Hi Carla Deliziosa immagine Ciao Carla |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (11:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful very sweet good hello John ;-) Bella molto dolce bravo ciao Giovanni |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (11:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very nice, congratulations. Hello Carlo. Bellissima, complimenti. Ciao Carlo. |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (12:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
magic, fabulous !!! amazing atmosphere! magica,favolosa!!!atmosfera incredibile! |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (22:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful picture, Congratulations hello Foto bellissima, Complimenti ciao |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (22:47)
Gorgeous! Ann :)) |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (23:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Fabulous, Congratulations !! Favolosa, complimenti!! |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (23:07) | This comment has been translated
Fantastic! |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (23:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very cute, beautiful subject sharpness and very blurry with warm autumn tones Molto carina, bella nitidezza del soggetto e ottimo sfocato dalle tonalità autunnali calde |
| sent on November 29, 2017 (23:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very cute, beautiful subject sharpness and very blurry with warm autumn tones Molto carina, bella nitidezza del soggetto e ottimo sfocato dalle tonalità autunnali calde |
| sent on December 02, 2017 (18:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very beautiful. Perhaps without the fuzzy leaf in the foreground on the right would have been for my taste even more appreciable. Compliments.
Molto bella. Forse senza la foglia sfocata in primo piano sulla destra sarebbe stata per il mio gusto ancora più apprezzabile. Complimenti. |

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