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| sent on June 08, 2017 (23:19) | This comment has been translated
Very nice! |
| sent on June 08, 2017 (23:21) | This comment has been translated
Thanks a lot! |
| sent on June 10, 2017 (10:22) | This comment has been translated
Beautiful! |
| sent on June 10, 2017 (11:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very good comment Pierpaola, I've seen you're good at the street! I am still at my first trials, but I'm starting to pass! Graditissimo commento Pierpaola, ho visto che sei bravissima nello street ! Io sono ancora alle prime mie prove nel genere, ma mi sta iniziando ad appassionare! |
| sent on June 10, 2017 (11:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Then stracomplines, if this is the beginning I can not imagine what I will post later! : -o good deal continues so the street then does not soften it because it's really very stimulating :) Allora stracomplimenti, se questo è l'inizio non oso immaginare cosa posterai più avanti! bravissimo continua così la street poi non la molli più perché è davvero molto stimolante :) |
| sent on June 10, 2017 (15:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Ahahah too kind Pierpaola, we hope it was not just the luck of the beginner :-D Ahahah troppo gentile Pierpaola, speriamo non sia stata solo la fortuna del principiante |
| sent on September 29, 2017 (10:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very nice I like very much Molto bella Mi piace molto |
| sent on September 29, 2017 (10:35) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very beautiful, that fleeting presence on the right is the hub of the picture. Great b / n. Compliments. Clara Molto bella, quella fugace presenza sulla destra è il fulcro della foto. Ottimo il b/n. Complimenti. Clara |
user133558 | sent on September 29, 2017 (10:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
great shot, comlimplimenti. Happy ottimo scatto , comlimplimenti. Felice |
| sent on September 30, 2017 (15:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks a thousand Vittorio, I really like your page and all your shots! Grazie mille Vittorio, mi piace molto la tua pagina e tutti i tuoi scatti ! |
| sent on September 30, 2017 (15:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hi Happy, thank you for your compliments. Soriana is true what you say, I was walking down the street and just thought about the potential composition I was trying to snap fast just because I saw the bike coming in, I'm just the 2 shots I did at that time. Hello and thanks ! I'm going to browse in your galleries !!!! Ciao Felice, grazie per i complimenti. Soriana è vero quello che dici, stavo camminando per strada e appena pensata la potenziale composizione cercai di scattare velocemente proprio perché vidi la bici che stava arrivando, sono solo 2 gli scatti che feci in quel momento. Ciao e grazie ! Andrò a curiosare nelle vostre gallerie !!!! |
| sent on October 05, 2017 (23:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I fully agree with Clara, a street of full respect, hello Marisa Concordo pienamente con Clara, una street di tutto rispetto, ciao Marisa |
| sent on October 06, 2017 (14:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very kind Marisa. A big greeting Molto gentile Marisa. Un grosso saluto |
| sent on February 07, 2018 (10:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
excellent tonal division of the image, good the bn and the gem of presence congratulations hello :-) ottima divisione tonale dell'immagine, buono il bn e la chicca della presenza complimenti ciao |
| sent on February 07, 2018 (13:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you so much Donatella! Hello :-) Grazie infinite Donatella ! Ciao |
| sent on July 13, 2019 (9:51)
Great shapes and light - and I love the fleeting outline of the cyclist! Ann :)) |
| sent on July 13, 2019 (23:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you very much AnnH, I enjoy thinking about the moment of the shot because I did everything in bulk, when I saw the oncoming cyclist I quickly placed myself leaning on a pole and with a bit of luck I managed to shoot it as I wanted ! Probably if I had another optics mounted I wouldn't be able to do it! Hello, thanks and congratulations on your photos !!! Grazie mille AnnH, mi diverto a pensare al momento dello scatto perché feci tutto alla rinfusa, quando vidi il ciclista in arrivo mi piazzai velocemente appoggiandomi ad un palo e con un pizzico di fortuna sono riuscii scattarla come desideravo ! Probabilmente se avevo un altra ottica montata non sarei riuscito a farla! Ciao, grazie e complimenti per le tue foto !!! |

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