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| sent on November 05, 2016 (10:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
excellent Andrea, subject beautiful beautifully inserted in the environment ..... and great 1D4, a camera that has given us so much! ottima Andrea, soggetto bellissimo splendidamente inserito nell'ambiente.....e grande 1D4,una fotocamera che ci ha dato tanto! |
| sent on November 05, 2016 (12:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Stephen, it is true the 1DmkIV is still in my heart probably because with her I made the most interesting trips and photographed the most unforgettable parties. Body very suitable with its crop factor no exaggeration to wildlife and bird life, obviously a little 'affected by age and then technology obsolescence. The subject, as highlights was amazing in that context :-) :-) Thanks for the visit, in Paul Bono Vittorino A greeting, Andrew Ciao Stefano, è vero la 1DMkIV è ancora nel mio cuore probabilmente perché con lei ho fatto i viaggi più interessanti e fotografato i soggetti più indimenticabili. Corpo adattissimo col suo fattore di crop non esagerato alla fauna ed avifauna, ovviamente un po' penalizzato dall'età e quindi obsolescenza della tecnologia. Il soggetto,come sottolinei, era strepitoso in quel contesto Grazie per la visita anche a: Paolo Bono Vittorino Cesare Brachetti Un saluto, Andrea |
| sent on November 05, 2016 (12:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
beautiful in setting !!!!!!! bello in ambientazione!!!!!!! |
| sent on November 05, 2016 (13:31) | This comment has been translated
Excellent, congratulations! |
| sent on November 05, 2016 (13:52) | This comment has been translated
Excellent! |
| sent on November 05, 2016 (14:35) | This comment has been translated
Very very nice! |
| sent on November 05, 2016 (15:55) | This comment has been translated
Really nice, congratulations! |
| sent on November 05, 2016 (16:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
very beautiful subject and setting! soggetto e ambientazione molto belli! |
| sent on November 05, 2016 (17:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful animal set big with high quality, well done an excellent shooting Bellissimo animale ambientato alla grande con ottima qualità, complimenti un ottimo scatto |
| sent on November 05, 2016 (18:42)
Very pleasant picture. A lovely bird, enhanced by the flowers. I like very much this photo. Hello, Jean-Pierre. |
| sent on November 05, 2016 (22:17)
Beautiful capture! Congrats Brian |
| sent on November 06, 2016 (9:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Particular topic well again, congratulations, Hello. Particolare soggetto ben ripreso, complimenti, Ciao. |
| sent on November 06, 2016 (10:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you for the comments: Cesare Brachetti Spanu Luigi Enrico Franco Pelizza Pallotta louis Parvati Marco Cirillo Jean-Pierre Lannoy Dramtastic Catherine Bruzzone and everyone else for the visit. Andrew Ringrazio per i commenti: Cesare Brachetti Spanu Luigi Enrico Franco Pelizza Pallotta luigi Parvati Marco Cirillo Jean-Pierre Lannoy Dramtastic Caterina Bruzzone e tutti gli altri per la visita. Andrea |
| sent on November 06, 2016 (22:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I would say that is an excellent shot ... also nice in color and good quality :-P :-P Direi che è un'ottimo scatto...anche piacevole nei colori e nella buona qualità |
| sent on November 07, 2016 (9:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks for your visit, Jordan
A greeting, Andrew Grazie della visita,Giordano Un saluto, Andrea |
| sent on November 08, 2016 (23:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful capture and recovery. Compliments Hello ;-) Bellissima cattura e ripresa. Complimenti Ciao |

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