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| sent on November 18, 2014 (22:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
This place is beautiful and so is the picture! Happy surfing! Clara Questo posto è splendido e altrettanto lo è la foto! Buon proseguimento! Clara |
| sent on November 18, 2014 (22:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A true spectacle of nature, where you see the power of water flowing impetuous overcoming every obstacle! :-P Beautiful color turquoise water, how beautiful is the movement that you were able to freeze in your goal, I find great the PDR chosen, perhaps with some risk, but it was so worth it, congratulations! ;-):-) Happy surfing! :-P By Fabio Un vero spettacolo della natura, dove si vede la forza dell'acqua che scorre impetuosa superando ogni ostacolo! Bellissimo il colore turchese dell'acqua, come bello è il suo movimento che sei riuscito a congelare nel tuo obiettivo, trovo ottimo il PDR scelto, forse con qualche rischio, ma ne è valsa veramente la pena, complimenti!  Buon proseguimento! By Fabio |
| sent on November 18, 2014 (22:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
show! complimensti nice place! ;-) spettacolo ! complimensti bel posto ! |
| sent on November 18, 2014 (23:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hopefully by the !!! ;-):-D Speriamo dai !!! |
| sent on November 18, 2014 (23:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Majestic, magnificent turquoise hue in several places full of light, almost light emanating from his very dark among the rocks, which often draws and softened with a thousand streams silky Profile:-):-) Maestosa, magnifica tonalità turchese in più punti piena di luce, anzi quasi emanante luce di suo tra le rocce scurissime, di cui spesso disegna e addolcisce con mille rivoli setosi il profilo  |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (5:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wow! Superb Stupenda |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (8:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Excellent composition, beautiful turquoise contrasting with the gray of the land and the sky. :-):-) Ottima composizione, bellissimo il turchese che contrasta con i grigi del terreno e del cielo. |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (9:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
This beautiful waterfall (and great shot) Hello and good continuation;-) Bellissima questa cascata (e ottimo scatto) Ciao e buon proseguimento |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (10:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
really fantastic! the color and the movement of water pierce or screen davvero fantastica! il colore e il movimento dell'acqua bucano o schermo |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (10:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I'm going against the tide, but always from personal interpretation I think the tone 'of the lower (turquoise) does not reflect the portion of the sky that was intended for light proposal. Also note the difference in tone 'with the vertical waterfalls. It is still a great glimpse with quality 'of recovery and interpretation. Greetings and good continuation io vado contro corrente , sempre comunque da interpretazione personale ritengo che la tonalita' della parte inferiore (turchese ) non rispecchi la porzione di cielo che si proponeva per la luce proposta . Si nota anche la differenza di tonalita' con le cascatelle verticali . Resta comunque un ottimo scorcio con qualita' di ripresa e interpretazione . Un saluto e buon proseguimento |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (11:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
speechless! senza parole! |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (13:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Excellent! but 'also varied tessar not doing bad! Post-Producer on the other hand ......... well. eccellente! pero' anche il vario tessar non se la cava male! il Post-Produttore invece.........pure. |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (13:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I like the movement of the water combined with the turquoise of this creates a magical atmosphere. This photo pays tribute to the wonders of nature. Congratulations also to the other. It would be nice to see as well as others to your fellow travelers. Hello Mi piace il movimento dell'acqua che abbinato al color turchese di questa creano un'atmosfera molto suggestiva. Questa foto rende onore alle meraviglie della natura. Complimenti anche per le altre. Sarebbe bello vedere anche quelle degli altri Tuoi compagni di viaggio. Ciao |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (13:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Superb whole gallery compliments :) Hello Francis Stupenda tutta la galleria complimenti:) Ciao Francesco |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (14:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very nice despite the weather! The turquoise color of the water is really incredible. I tried in vain to get there but I have not found. Congratulations. Hello Molto bella nonostante il meteo! Il colore turchese dell'acqua è davvero incredibile. Io ho tentato invano di arrivarci ma non l'ho trovata. Complimenti. Ciao |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (14:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
beautiful beautiful beautiful.
a salute Jerry:-P bella bella bella . un saluto Jerry |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (15:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
An amazing sight. Well done. Bal Uno spettacolo incredibile. Complimenti. Bal |
| sent on November 19, 2014 (15:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I love this beautiful, the atmosphere colors and composition do not read very well within various tessar am in this picture and in the other made by you is fine (certainly here in this shot did not have details in the 4 corners and then I'm looking at a compressed file) good all the time:-) bella questa mi piace molto,l'atmosfera i colori e la composizione non ne leggo molto bene in giro di sto vario tessar,in questa foto e anche nelle altre fatte da te è andato bene (certo qua in questa inquadratura non avevi dettagli nei 4 angoli e poi stò guardando un file compresso ) buona continuazione |

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