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cover photo by Giancarlo Priore |
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The Cradle of the Lake by Giancarlo Priore77 comments, 1524 views The Woodworker by Giancarlo Priore51 comments, 1445 views Firecrest by Renato Togni44 comments, 2355 views Flock in front of Mount Legnone by Pietro Arnaboldi9 comments, 419 views Kingfisher by Pietro Guberti9 comments, 467 views Stone turner by Pietro Guberti12 comments, 322 views Pendolino (Italy) by Pietro Guberti13 comments, 401 views Entrance into Lake Mezzola by Nolby7 comments, 1248 views Small Svasso by Pietro Guberti16 comments, 636 views Courier by Pietro Guberti11 comments, 471 views On the fly by Pietro Guberti20 comments, 703 views Breath of day by A.mottarella6 comments, 86 views Germano Dal Tuft by Renato Togni6 comments, 982 views Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper by Pietro Guberti12 comments, 163 views Cormorant by Pietro Guberti13 comments, 306 views Flight tests - Gheppio Juv. by Pietro Guberti6 comments, 583 views Great crested grebe by Pietro Guberti13 comments, 560 views Plunge by Pietro Guberti8 comments, 563 views Winter reflections by Ugolo4 comments, 497 views Nibbio Bruno by Pietro Guberti7 comments, 522 views Marsh harrier by Pietro Guberti7 comments, 361 views Under the Rain by Pietro Guberti6 comments, 424 views Stop on the ice by Nolby0 comments, 820 views Tree frog by Redtag2 comments, 210 views Egret on the hunt by Pietro Guberti10 comments, 218 views Owl by Redtag7 comments, 118 views Pian di Spagna by Pixel80D2 comments, 272 views Tuffetto in the mirror by Pietro Guberti8 comments, 381 views Summer Tuffetto by Pietro Guberti7 comments, 293 views Winter Alto Lario field by Nolby2 comments, 699 views Winter Cimento 2019 #10 by Nolby11 comments, 694 views Mount Legnone by Pietro Arnaboldi0 comments, 125 views Dazzling Sunrise by Nolby0 comments, 493 views Flock by Pietro Guberti3 comments, 449 views Red-crested pochard by Redtag0 comments, 96 views The rest by Nolby0 comments, 686 views Mirror on the Mera by Nolby4 comments, 840 views |
May Beauty Be Everywhere Around Me