Rank : 9.0 (average on 1 votes)Coordinates : -32.052317,151.601372 (
Open in Google Maps)
Subjects : Wrens,Spotted Pardalote,Red Browed Finch,Bassian Thrush,Paradise Riflebird,Satin Bowerbird,Honeyeater, Australian Magpie,Masked Owl,Grey Butcherbird,Tawny Frogmouth ,Double-barred Finches,Striated Pardalote,Rainbow Bee-eater,Yellow-Faced Honeyeater,New Holland Honeyeater,Bell Miner;Brown-headed Honeyeater,Scarlet Robin,Male Superb Fairywren ,Satin Bowerbird.,Eastern Yellow Robin,Willy) Wagtail, Rainbow Lorikeet ,Buff-banded Rail,Brown Falcon,Black-shouldered Kite,Cockatiel.
Recommended equipment : Tripod,gumboots,flash,camera,long lens,gps,maps,water,food,camping tent.
Best months : september,october,november
How to get there : After raymond terrace ,1st exit onto the National Route 1 ramp to Taree ,Turn left onto Bucketts Way (signs for BUCKETTS WAY/Stroud/Gloucester/Tourist Drive 2)
Visits : Free no fees to pay,good day trip would not get there before 9am as its rain forest and there will some due on the ground before 9am
Notes : Best not to go on very windy days