cover photo by Leonardo670sv
The information about this location have been automatically translated with Microsoft Translator. Rank : 9.3 (average on 23 votes)Coordinates : 44.108542,10.237169 ( Open in Google Maps) Subjects : It is enough to choose a favorite subject. Fauna, flora or environment? Several pairs of golden eagles, peregrine falcons, kestrels, buzzards, owls, barn owls, owl and tawny owl, raven, alpine chough and the rare coral, black redstart, sordone, red partridge, stiff neck, cuckoo, woodpecker, Crag Martin, dipper, and also all the little sparrows, finches and tits, also the green woodpecker and the red in the woods mature. And then the bat, squirrel, dormouse, dormice, the rare snow vole, deer, hare, wild boar, foxes, weasels, polecats, martens, and also re-introduced with excellent results from Sardinia the mouflon. Although amphibians are not lacking: the spotted salamander, newt Apuan, the spectacled salamander, and the rare newt. And then insects of all kinds, but the list is too long, just mention a beetle that is endemic only here, Nebria the Apuan Alps. And there are only animals: beautiful mountains and canyons with vertical walls, fantastic sunrise and sunset, the spectacle great, but sometimes too exaggerated to the overexploitation of this resource effectively and not so rarely leads the mountains away whole, of the marble quarries, but there are historical places of quarries and abandoned structures, the old railroad tunnels and viaducts with marble thrilling as the Ponti di Vara, the extraction basins with the dirt roads that wind work the typical zigzag path, old cable cars, the famous streets of contention where the blocks were slid downstream, in the summer among other things it is shown again for touring this spectacular technique, now abandoned, the legendary road Vandelli built but never completed in ' 800, ancient villages in the mountains, human traces abandoned, old mountain huts, houses of shepherds and abandoned pastures. Shows also guaranteed the winter with or without snow, ice guaranteed snowfields dream and thaws with blooms of crocus and daffodils. Of particular there is also the famous Cavern of Corchia in Levigliani or The Cave of the Winds in Fornovolasco both followed with guided tours of the trails, for photos stalactites and stalagmites, lakes and underground streams. Not to forget that all this show that reaches up to 2000 meters above sea level is a terrace overlooking the sea so the view from up there is great, in the days of high visibility are visible Tuscany to the island of Elba, Gorgona and Capraia , Corsica with the snowfields of Mount Cinto the Ligurian coast up to the Maritime Alps and the border with France, stands out in the distance the pointed shape of Monviso, to the north the Serchio valley divides the Apennines of which is visible at once long, over the Cisa pass to Pistoia, the Pania della Croce say at night you can see the lights of Florence. Want more? I probably also forgot something!Recommended equipment : for photography? If you are strong shoulders of all that you have, there are animals as subjects near and far, all wide-angle landscapes or views to medium telephoto or zoom, and macro of all kinds, of course if you bring even stand everything is better. For the rest Equip with backpacks and hiking boots tough, useful binoculars spotting.Best months : All seasons are valid depends on what you preferHow to get there : The Apuan Alps are situated in the north of Tuscany, this mountain range is located approximately between the valley of the Magra and Aulella north-west, and the Serchio valley to the northeast, and the Ligurian Sea / Tirrreno to the south, and the area is approachable from all its sides: if you are from Northern Italy to Parma take the A15 then you will find yourself Cisa A12 Genova-Livorno to Livorno and you can go to, or Massa Carrara or Versilia and then? climb into the mountains that upon you! The roads are many and it depends on what you want to photograph, or from Florence on A11 you can exit at Lucca and Garfagnana back until at least Castelnuovo Garfagnana and then get there from the north, also here the roads leading there, but the advice is read up further and plan.Visits : Open all the while there are no restrictionsNotes : it is not even a small area is vast and varied, and you first need to plan and decide what to go see and photograph, as regards animals and roaming here are absolutely free state so do not expect pens or animals with Campania rangers, you can see everything but also nothing remains but the beautiful landscape which is not cheap! | | Nearby:   Vagli Sotto 4 km
  Colonnata 7 km
  Isola Santa 8 km
  Ponte della Villetta e chiesa S. Pantaleone 11 km
  Grotta Antro del Corchia 11 km
  Pruno 12 km