When you travel around the world, it is very important to be able to communicate with other persons, at least for the basic things. In this page, I have listed some of the most useful phrases for the traveler in three of the most widespread languages of the world: English, French and Spanish. I have added Italian, too, just because it is my native language ;-) If you learn these basic phrases in the three main languages, you will be able to go almost everywhere!
If I am going to visit a country where none of these languages is spoken, I try to prepare a translation in the local language, too (the Lonely Planet guides usually have a list of useful phrases; otherwise you can try with Google Translate, even though it is not very accurate). Once I have the list, I make a print that I carry with me during the trip.
This is my personal list, but of course you may add or remove phrases depending by your exigencies.
Hostels and Co
I am looking for an hotel / hostel / camping
French: Je cherche un hotel / auberge de jeunesse / camping
Spanish: Estoy buscando un hotel / albergue / camping
Italian: Sto cercando un hotel / ostello / campeggio
Do you have rooms?
French: Est-ce que vous avez des chambres libres?
Spanish: ¿Tenéis habitaciones libres?
Italian: Avete una stanza libera?
Money & Restaurant
How much does it cost?
French: combien ça coûte?
Spanish: ¿cuánto cuesta?
Italian: quanto costa?
Can I have the bill?
French: l'addition, s'il vous plaît.
Spanish: la cuenta, por favor.
Italian: posso avere il conto?
Bread / Drink / Water?
French: du pain / du boisson / de l'eau
Spanish: pan / bebida / agua
Italian: pane / bibita / acqua
Lunch / dinner
French: le déjeuner / le diner
Spanish: la comida / la cena
Italian: pranzo / cena
Do you speak English?
French: Parlez-vous anglais?
Spanish: Habla usted inglés?
Italian: Parli inglese?
What does it mean?
French: Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire?
Spanish: ¿Qué significa?
Italian: Cosa significa?
I don't understand.
French: Je ne comprends pas.
Spanish: No entiendo
Italian: Non capisco.
Can you show me ... on the map?
French: Pouvez-vous m'indiquer ... sur la carte?
Spanish: ¿Me puede decir ... en el mapa?
Italian: Mi puoi indicare ... sulla mappa?
Is this the road to ...?
French: C'est la route pour ...?
Spanish: Es este el camino para ...?
Italian: Questa è la strada per ...?
Where is the tourist office?
French: Où est l'office de tourisme?
Spanish: ¿Dónde está el oficina de turismo?
Italian: Dov'è l'ufficio turistico?
The island / the lake / the sea / the mountain
French: l'ile / le lac / la mer / la montagne
Spanish: la isla / el lago / el mar / la montaña
Italian: l'isola / il lago / il mare / la montagna
A bank / an hospital / a toilet
French: une banque / un hopital / les toilettes
Spanish: un banco / un hospital / un bano
Italian: una banca / un ospedale / la toilette
I want to go to ...
French: Je voudrais aller à ...
Spanish: Me gustaría ir a ...
Italian: Vorrei andare a...
I want a ticket for ...
French: Je voudrais un billet ...
Spanish: Quisiera un billete para ...
Italian: Vorrei un biglietto per...
One way / back and forth
French: Un aller / Un aller (et) retour
Spanish: solo ida / ida y regreso
Italian: sola andata / andata e ritorno
What time is the first / the last ... ?
French: A quelle heure part le premier / le dernier ... ?
Spanish: ¿A qué hora es el primero / el último ... ?
Italian: A che ora parte il primo / l'ultimo ... ?
Plane / bus / ferry boat
French: l'avion / le bus / le bateau
Spanish: avión / bus / ferry
Italian: aereo / autobus / traghetto
Can I camp here?
French: Puis-je camper ici?
Spanish: ¿Puedo acampar aquí?
Italian: Posso campeggiare qui?
I'd like to rent a car / a 4x4
French: Je voudrais louer une voiture / un quatre-quatre
Spanish: Me gustaría alquilar un vehículo / un 4x4
Italian: Vorrei noleggiare un'auto / un quattro per quattro
Where is a gas station?
French: Où est-ce qu'il y a une station-service?
Spanish: ¿Dónde está una estación de gasolina?
Italian: Dove posso trovare un benzinaio?
Unleaded gas / diesel
French: essence sans plomb / diesel
Spanish: gasolina sin plomo / diesel
Italian: benzina senza piombo / diesel
The car has broken
French: la voiture est tombèe en panne
Spanish: el coche se ha roto
Italian: l'auto si è rotta
I have a flat tire
French: mon pneu est à plat
Spanish: tengo una llanta ponchada
Italian: ho bucato una gomma
I have run out of fuel
French: je suis en panne d'essence
Spanish: se me acabó la gasolina
Italian: ho finito la benzina
I have had an accident
French: J'ai eu un accident
Spanish: He tenido un accidente
Italian: Ho fatto un incidente
Motor oil / headlight / clutch / brakes
French: Huile à moteur / phares / embrayage / freins
Spanish: El aceite de motor / faro / embrague / frenos
Italian: olio / faro / frizione / freni
Emergencies and health
French: au secours!
Spanish: socorro!
Italian: aiuto!
I have got lost
French: Je me suis égaré
Spanish: Me he perdido
Italian: Mi sono perso
Call the police / a doctor!
French: Appelez la police / un médecin!
Spanish: Llame a la policía / un médico!
Italian: Chiamate la polizia / un medico!
I am ill
French: Je suis malade
Spanish: Estoy enfermo
Italian: Sono ammalato
I have pain here
French: Je ai une douleur ici
Spanish: Tengo un dolor aquí
Italian: Mi fa male qui
Antiseptic / aspirin / suncream / medicine
French: l'antiseptique / l'aspirine / la créme solaire / le médicament
Spanish: antiséptico / aspirina / crema solar / medicina
Italian: antisettico / aspirina / crema solare / medicinale
Sickness / vomit / diarrea
French: nausée / vomir / diarrhéè
Spanish: nausea / vómito / diarrea
Italian: nausea / vomito / diarrea
Do you have ... ?
French: Avez-vous ... ?
Spanish: ¿Tiene usted ... ?
Italian: Avresti ... ?
Is it dangerous?
French: Est-il dangereux?
Spanish: ¿Es peligroso?
Italian: E' pericoloso?
Numbers and days
Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
French: zero, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
Spanish: cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco,seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
Italian: zero, uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, sette, otto, nove, dieci
Twenty, fifty, one hundred, one thousand
French: vingt, cinquante, cent, mille
Spanish: veinte, cincuenta, cien, mil
Italian: venti, cinquanta, cento, mille
Today / tomorrow / yesterday
French: aujourd'hui / demain / hier
Spanish: hoy / mañana / ayer
Italian: oggi / domani / ieri
More / less / bigger / smaller / a little
French: plus / moins / plus grand / plus petit / un peu
Spanish: más / menos / más grande / más pequeño / un poco
Italian: più / meno / più grande / più piccolo / un pò
Hello / goodbye / yes / no
French: bonjour / au revoir / oui / non
Spanish: buenos dìas / hasta la vista / si / no
Italian: ciao / arrivederci / si / no
Please / thanks / sorry
French: S'il vous plait / merci / pardon
Spanish: por favor / gracias / disculpa
Italian: Per favore / grazie / scusa
What's your name? / I am
French: Comment tu t'appelles? / Je suis
Spanish: Cómo te llamas? / Yo soy
Italian: Come ti chiami? / Io sono
Where are your from? / I'm from ...
French: De quel pays es-tu? / Je viens de ...
Spanish: ¿De dónde eres? / Yo soy de ...
Italian: Di dove sei? / Io sono ...
Nice to meet you!
French: heureux de vous connaître!
Spanish: encantado de conocerte!
Italian: piacere di conoscerti!
I like / I don't like
French: J'aime / Je n'aime pas
Spanish: Me gusta / No me gusta
Italian: Mi piace / Non mi piace
Who / What / When
French: qui / quoi / quand
Spanish: ¿quién / ¿qué / cúando
Italian: chi / che cosa / quando
What is this? / where? / why?
French: qu'est-ce que c'est? / où? / pourquoi?
Spanish: ¿qué es esto? / ¿dónde? / ¿por qué?
Italian: che cos'è? / dove? / perchè?
Fine / not well / so and so
French: bien / mal / ainsi ansi
Spanish: bien / mal / asì asì
Italian: bene/ male / così così
Photographers corner
Can I take a photo of you?
French: Puis-je prendre votre photo, s'il vous plait?
Spanish: ¿Puedo tomarte una foto?
Italian: Ti posso fare una foto?
Is it allowed / forbidden?
French: C'est autorisé / interdit?
Spanish: ¿Está permitido / prohibido?
Italian: E' permesso / proibito?
I am a (professional) nature photographer
French: Je suis un photographe (professionnel) de la nature
Spanish: soy un fotógrafo (profesional) de la naturaleza
Italian: sono un fotografo naturalista (professionista)
Tomorrow, I want to go there at sunrise / sunset
French: demain, je veux y aller au lever du soleil / coucher du soleil
Spanish: mañana, quiero ir allá para el amanecer / puesta de sol
Italian: domani, voglio andare lì all'alba / al tramonto
I want to take photos of birds / flowers / landscapes
French: je veux prendre des photos d'oiseaux / fleurs / paysages
Spanish: quiero tomar fotos de aves / flores / paisajes
Italian: vorrei fotografare uccelli / fiori / paesaggi
Is this a good place for photos?
French: est-ce un bon endroit pour les photos?
Spanish: es un buen lugar para tomar fotos?
Italian: questo è un buon posto per le foto?