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Can Stock Photo to Cease Operations

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  4. » Can Stock Photo to Cease Operations

inviato il 02 Settembre 2023 ore 12:15

Non so se qualcuno vendesse foto o video su questo sito stock, mi è arrivata un mail stamane:

Unfortunately, due to a changing business landscape, Can Stock Photo will cease operations on October 1, 2023.
After nearly 20 years in business we have been forced to make this very difficult decision and would like to thank our many thousands of talented contributors and customers for making it possible. The industry has changed significantly over this time, with CanStock launched in 2004 during the early mass adoption of digital cameras, and before 'social media' was even a phrase. Today of course everyone has a capable digital camera in their pocket, and the advent of AI means amazing images can be created for free from programs with just a few keywords. Decreased business and increasing costs has made it no longer possible to keep operating, to our great disappointment.
Accordingly, notice is given that all membership agreements are terminated on October 1, 2023. Downloads and new orders will be disabled on October 1st. Active customer accounts may use their remaining credits and subscriptions up until then.
Credits in accounts that have not been active for one year prior to this notice are cancelled in accordance with the membership agreement, without refund or reimbursement.
Customers with unused credits or unfinished subscriptions purchased by credit card in the last 180 days or by check/wire, can request a prorated refund of $5 USD or more by logging into the site and filing a request here. The deadline to request a refund is on or before September 30, 2023. Please allow up to three weeks for refunds to be issued.
For contributors, to request a final payment, contributors must log on to their “Convert Earnings” page and enter their payment information. Payments of $5 USD or more will be processed for account balances as of October 1st, for eligible accounts, who have submitted a request. Payments may take several months, but we anticipate they will be sent by December 31, 2023. The deadline to submit your payment request is September 30th.
Thank you for everything,
The Can Stock Photo Team

inviato il 02 Settembre 2023 ore 15:31

Ed ecco che L'Ai comincia a mietere le prime vittime

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