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"Device Requires Further Installation" Issue!

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  6. » "Device Requires Further Installation" Issue!

inviato il 24 Agosto 2021 ore 15:56

Hello Friends,

I am getting this error since yesterday "Device Requires Further Installation" on Windows 10 PC. And this error has come after connecting DVD driver. Not understanding what to do, started googling. Any idea guys if these solutions might be helpful in anyway?

inviato il 24 Agosto 2021 ore 16:10

"Any idea guys if these solutions might be helpful in anyway?"

You probably got a problem with the driver of the DVD device or with Win 10 itself.

The link you posted here could be helpful, and I would suggest solution 1.

If it not working, I would recommend to update Win 10 and check if it is OK or corrupted by doing the following:

- Right click on the window botton left, open Windows Powershell with Administrator Rights

- once Powershell is open and ready, digit:

sfc /scannow

than Enter

The system shall check if your OS it is OK or it is corrupted and shall let you know.

Once the OS it is update and OK with and update driver, it should work.

.....good luck!

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