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Olympus conclude la vendita del settore fotografico

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  4. » Olympus conclude la vendita del settore fotografico

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 11:58

Già da mesi erano in corso le trattative, ma oggi è stato raggiunto l'accordo definitivo: Olympus ha venduto il settore fotografico a JIP (Japan Industrial Partners Inc., un fondo di investimenti giapponese).

La nuova compagnia si chiamerà OM Digital Solutions Corporation.

Aggiornamento - comunicato stampa italiano:


Comunicato stampa:

Olympus Agreed on Transfer of Imaging Business with JIP

Tokyo, September 30, 2020 – Olympus Corporation (“Olympus”) today concluded a definitive agreement with Japan Industrial Partners Inc. (“JIP”) regarding the transfer of the Olympus Imaging business. Under the agreement, Olympus will transfer its Imaging business to a newly established wholly-owned subsidiary of Olympus (the “New Imaging Company”), through an absorption-type split. This is to be followed by transferring 95% of the shares of the New Imaging Company on January 1, 2021, to OJ Holdings, Ltd., a special purpose company established by JIP.

Olympus began the manufacture and sale of cameras using the Zuiko lens in 1936 and became one of the world's leading camera makers. Olympus was among the first companies to make small, lightweight compact cameras with professional quality, such as the award- winning Olympus 'OM' and 'Pen' series. Driven by the desire to make people's lives more fulfilling around the world, the company applied innovative technology and unique product development to distinguish itself in a highly competitive industry.

In recent years, however, the market has shrunk rapidly due to the evolution of smartphones, leading to a significant downturn for the digital camera market globally. Despite taking various steps to improve its cost structure and efficiency, Olympus' Imaging business recorded operating losses for three consecutive fiscal years up to March 2020.

Under such circumstances, Olympus concluded that, by carving-out the Imaging business and operating the business under JIP, its business structure would become more compact, efficient, and agile, and it is the most appropriate way to realize self-sustainable and continuous growth. With a loyal following and long history of innovative products, the New Imaging Company would be committed to building on Olympus' accumulated expertise and to continue providing customers with innovative, high quality cameras under the new business structure.

“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all our customers for their patronage and support of Olympus products, and for their passion devoted to photography. I have the utmost confidence that this transfer is the correct step forward in sustaining the value of our products and services,” said Yasuo Takeuchi, President and CEO of Olympus Corporation.

“At the same time, I am certain that this opportunity is the best choice for our long-time patrons, new customers and photography enthusiasts. Under the new company, the development, manufacturing, sales and service functions will continue tight collaboration to introduce new products that will satisfy customers,” Takeuchi added.

The agreement applies to Olympus' global Imaging business, which includes all R&D and manufacturing facilities currently dedicated to its Imaging business. The New Imaging Company will continue to provide high-quality, highly reliable products. Built on a solid foundation, including the Zuiko and OM brands, which are grounded in optics and digital imaging technologies cultivated by Olympus over many years, the New Imaging Company will be appropriately positioned to further pursue new developments.

Head of sales and marketing, R&D and designing departments for imaging products will be relocated to the headquarters of the New Imaging Company in Hachioji, Tokyo. Production will continue at the location in Dong Nai province, Vietnam, where imaging products are currently manufactured. The New Imaging Company will continue to provide customer support for the imaging products which have been manufactured and sold by Olympus.

Following the transfer of the Imaging business, Olympus will concentrate on Medical and Scientific Solutions, in our ongoing efforts toward making people's lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling.

Information on the New Imaging Company is as follows.

- Company name: OM Digital Solutions Corporation
- Location: Hachioji, Tokyo
- Representative Director: Shigemi Sugimoto
- Business operations: Operations involving the manufacture and sale of digital cameras (primarily mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras), interchangeable lenses, IC recorders, and other audio products
- Capital: Not fixedFor the details about the company split and the transfer of shares, please refer our corporate disclosure “Signing of Definitive Agreement for Divestiture of Imaging Business.”(https://www.olympus-global.com/news/ir/2020/)

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:06

R.I.P. Triste

oggi accendo un cero alla mia em10 :-P

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:06

Un marchio storico se ne va.... che peccato...

Mi auguro che la nuova OM ne rispolveri i fasti con nuovi investimenti capaci di sfruttare l'enorme bagaglio di esperienze accumulto

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:08

TristeSperiamo bene....

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:08

Compro fissi pro a 150 euro cadauno, sbrigatevi prima che diventino rifiuti non riciclabili. MrGreen

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:09

non sarà l'unica che nel tempo ammainerà la bandiera..

Avrei intenzione di prendermi alcune cose m43... per ora attendo
Vedremo cosa succede...

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:09

Compro fissi pro a 150 euro cadauno, sbrigatevi prima che diventino rifiuti non riciclabili. MrGreen

Offro 151 Euro!

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:14

Per fortuna la proprietà è rimasta nipponica.

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:15

Ma le macchine e obiettivi ora come si chiameranno

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:15

Più volte mi sono interessato al m43 come secondo corredo ma.i prezzi sul nuovo francamente li ho sempre trovati improponibili. Non mi stupisco che abbiano chiuso i battenti. Mi dispiace molto per un marchio storico, spesso innovativo.

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:16

“Per fortuna la proprietà è rimasta nipponica”.

E' solo un prestanome, in realtà l'ho acquistata io. Fino al 2068 devono rigare dritto!

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:19

Offro 151 Euro!

Arrivo a 160 e offro un caffè MrGreen

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:20

Mi auguro che la nuova OM ne rispolveri i fasti con nuovi investimenti capaci di sfruttare l'enorme bagaglio di esperienze accumulto

JIP e nuovi investimenti non sono proprio elementi che vanno d'accordo nella stessa frase. Triste Si può sempre sperare, ma temo per lo "scenario Vaio".

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:20

Mi è andata bene per un pelo...

inviato il 30 Settembre 2020 ore 12:21

Ma le macchine e obiettivi ora come si chiameranno

Visto che la nuova compagnia si chiamerà OM Digital Solutions Corporation presumo che mantengano almeno la dicitura OM-D

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