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Canon EOS 1-dx mk lll - primi feedback su Dpreview dagli "early adopter"

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  4. » Canon EOS 1-dx mk lll - primi feedback su Dpreview dagli "early adopter"

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 18:26

Ho trovato questa discussione su Dpreview:

In particolare, mi ha colpito il post in cui l'autore (se non ho capito male, un utente usuale di attrezzatura pro Canon) fa una breve sintesi:
Here are my feelings after two days of shooting with the Canon EOS 1DX MKIII. I can only compare my experience being a first adapter of the 1DX and 1DXMKII, shooting professionally for Sports and Runway Fashion.

I find there to be no "noticeable" upgrade in IQ and in some instances, greater noise
There is a "muddy" lack of definition across a variety of shooting circumstances
fur and Human hair exhibit an unusual lack of definition and noise
At reasonable ISO levels, there is too much noise
Color rendition utilizing AWB in "Standard" has been way off. Oranges are of particular weakness. "Fine Detail" corrects some of these anomalies
Focus points are particularly difficult to follow and see even when on the brightest settings. Single point is beyond arduous. I like to see where my camera has focused clearly and distinctly in and out of single point.
Switching between M. AV, TV, should be with brighter larger indicators in the OVF
Focusing on objects coming straight at you has improved
Single point expanded still exhibits drift outside of the visual parameters of the grouping
Exposure runs "hot" and based on the noise of the MKIII this is particularly difficult to work with outdoors in bright sun and stadium lighting. Runway for fashion where mode'ls faces, tend to bloom, at front of stage, will provide many issues. ETTR should be avoided unless utilized taking this into consideration.
I'm having issues with the 600 EXRTII that I still can't resolve that I can't replicate on the MKII or 1DX. I've not used strobes yet.
For video, there are many enhancements but I'm a still photographer and can't speak to them nor am I qualified to review video.

The advantage with the MKIII, if greater IQ is not needed, will be when placed downfield, with athletes moving straight at you with a zoom like the f/4 200-400. This is an improvement over the MKII. Most "trained" will get the same number of keepers with the MKII. Another improvement, I could not get the buffer to overflow with the MKIII. All my Wise 512GB cards are still on backorder.

La chiosa finale:
If you're looking for greater IQ by buying the MKIII, not the right choice

è tutto sommato quella che mi lascia meno stupito: con le prestazioni dei sensori tutti i brand hanno dimostrato di essere al palo oramai da qualche anno, differenze veramente risicate.

Ma per il resto, sinceramente, resto assai assai perplesso. Eeeek!!! Vale la pena approfondire...

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 18:36

Questo è fuori

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 18:51


Seguo incuriosito.

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 18:52

Questo è fuori

Un folle suicida a scrivere certe cose!! MrGreenMrGreen

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 18:57

Scorrendo nella discussione, si trovano anche feedback differenti:
I received mine this week, and haven't seen any of the things you're talking about, but, I do not own a mark 2 to compare to, and have not processed raw files. I do own a 5d4. Also I have only tried one lens, the 100-400ii. I am confident you know much more about these cameras than me and with your use of them, but I am very surprised nevertheless.
I have no problems seeing the focus points.
I see very little noise in low-mid iso in JPEGs
In 5d vs 1d Jpegs, I see much less noise throughout, but more detail with 5d, almost as if jpeg engine is applying more nr (less noise but less detail)
I have not tried the 600ex so can't say.
I have no problem seeing exposure modes in vf
I have no misfocused shots
Color is better than 5d in jpegs for me

All'inizio, come al solito, la platea si dividerà tra i pessimisti/insoddisfatti cronici e gli entusiasti a prescindere; temo che dovremo attendere un po' per avere una situazione più chiara.

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 19:00

si riferisce ai jpg in camera?

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 19:00

Ma sicuro l'autore del testo sarà un utente Sony sotto copertura! MrGreen

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 19:03

si riferisce ai jpg in camera?

No, non solo:
Is this based on jpeg, heif, or raw images? If raw, how are you processing the images? Are you basing this on raw files processed with DPP? Lightroom?
I use both. For the most part. I find DPP to be superior

I am finding that the high ISO RAW files processed in Lightroom are a bit smudgy and not quite as clean as when they are processed in DPP (which is still kind of a clunky solution.)
I'm finding the MKIII to be "muddy" so far. It tends to shoot "hot". Lack of definition, muddy... I'll define better after last shots

When Canon released the mkII back in 2016, Adobe kicked out a fast update right before the camera was released that was not producing optimal results, either. They updated it a few weeks later and it produced much better results.
I'll hope that Canon DPP is truer to form for now and finish edits in LR or PS

I would image we'll see a better Adobe RAW profile for the camera soon.

Personally, I'm looking forward to C1 support for the mkIII, which is my preferred editing platform. Converting the CR3 files to DNG's before importing into C1 doesn't always produce the best results, either.
So far I have real AWB color rendition issues with so much... I'll post my findings later.

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 19:09


inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 19:14

Sembra che la voglia rimandare indietro, però caxxo qualche raw ce lo poteva pure mollare, prima...Confuso

Thank you so very much, but I arranged to have it shipped back. I've not the energy for being the testing ground as I was before for the 1DX and MKII because I started with multiple copies of each.

I'll wait and perhaps try again after the Olympics with the MKIII if there are noted changes of areas that co CERN. E personally.

There are so many new cameras in the pipe now my head is spinning. For the sake of moving forward, for the first time I am willing to consider giving up on my Canon glass and 1DX and MKII bodies. I've not seen anything yet but I'm not going to let the emotion of being a Canon shooter get in the way of keeping my equipment at a level to compete with others in the industry.

Altro feedback, di tono decisamente diverso:
Some thoughts:

Fast and sticky AF
The smart controller is excellent
Sometimes the AF would shut down even after very short bursts (~10-photos) and stay off until the shutter was repeatedly pressed. I lost some moments due to this and can't identify if it was a user or software eror
CFExpress transfers speeds are insane!

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 19:33

Ecco sulla resa in Camera Raw direi che non c'è da meravigliarsi se non è granché, sui corpi Canon ultimamente ACR non dà proprio il meglio di sé....

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 19:36

Per un giudizio definitivo sui raw attendo sempre almeno il supporto di C1...;-)

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 20:36

Su una cosa sono certo

Canon che non sbaglia le serie 1MrGreen

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 20:40

Anche io ho pochi dubbi, se ci sono alcune cose da migliorare, lo farà in fretta.
Ad onor del vero, io mandai la macchina (la prima 1DX2 venduta nel capoluogo) in assistenza il giorno dopo averla comprata, e ci tornò dopo altri tre giorni. Avevo un sentimento simile al suo...;-)

inviato il 21 Febbraio 2020 ore 21:13

“ If you're looking for greater IQ by buying the MKIII, not the right choice ?

i raw ci sono e questa cosa te l'avevo detta anche io ma non ti sei fidato...

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