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Raw Gfx 100

inviato il 06 Giugno 2019 ore 0:19

Ma l'hai già comprata? Non ho seguito tutti i post dall'inizio.

inviato il 06 Giugno 2019 ore 0:24

Ma se deve ancora essere messa in commercio..uscirà fine giugno .. ci sono ancora molte cose da valutare in primis i raw di una macchina definitiva qui si vedono solo raw di pre produzione.. poi in secondo luogo l'abbinamento con le ottiche .... se reggono veramente come dicono ... a livello tecnologico non gli manca nulla ,manca la resa effettiva dei file...

inviato il 06 Giugno 2019 ore 0:39

Sapevo che per aprile doveva uscire non ho seguito l'evolversi dei rumors. Cmq vedi tu sei già nel MF, per me rimarrà una chimera almeno che tra qualche anno faranno un entry level da 2000 euro ci farei il pensiero Sorriso

inviato il 06 Giugno 2019 ore 1:11

Non confondete l elaborazione di un file 12/16 bit con la stampa!
Errore grossolano! ;-)
Nel file nativo se ottimo fai cose magistrali che vengono poi compresse in fase di stampa!...Ma escono sfumature prima non visibili...anche negli 8! ;-)

inviato il 06 Giugno 2019 ore 8:04

karmal: perdona l'OT, chi consiglieresti per stampa con resa migliore di saal?

inviato il 06 Giugno 2019 ore 8:09

C'e ne sono molti io ho provato qui nella mia zona

inviato il 06 Giugno 2019 ore 10:22


inviato il 06 Giugno 2019 ore 16:38

inviato il 08 Giugno 2019 ore 13:26


inviato il 08 Giugno 2019 ore 14:57

Machen 100 Megapixel Sinn?
Ja durchaus! Zwar sind 51 Megapixel bei mir bis jetzt absolut genügend und werden es auch nach wie vor sein.

Bello carico il recensore per la versione dai fianchi larghi.

inviato il 09 Giugno 2019 ore 18:49

Played with a GFX 100s yesterday. Observations:

I had a chance to play with a GFX 100s yesterday at Unique Photo's expo in New Jersey. Great team there. Still on today, Sunday June 9, for anyone near there who wants to handle and shoot with the camera. I think Fotocare in Manhattan has a hands on this Wednesday. Note the camera was not final firmware and some/all lenses will need downloadable firmware updates to optimize the new focusing capabilities.

1) Overall really great
- My experience is consistent with most of the first look reviews. I should have a final production unit the day they are released and will have more to say after then. My experience was all handheld with in camera store, store lighting. I think outside handheld, on tripod, or with studio strobe or continuous lighting would be even bettter.

2) Most significant surprise for me was high ISO performance.
- Quality at 12,800, 25,000, and 100,000 was much, much better than I expected. Not usable for fine art landscape images printed large, which is my main focus, but usable for some walk around indoor low light subjects. More so than most cameras I've seen. I'll have to do a side by side low light comparison with a D5, which I've used quite a bit for those subjects.

3) Internal EVF
- Is noticeably stunning, much better for manual focusing, and better than any other EVF I've seen.

4) Image stabilization
- Is very good.
- I was shooting with GF 110mm and GF 32-64 mm wide open at 1/20th sec, with good results. I'll have to do careful testing at different apertures and ISOs with final firmware to see just how low a shutter speed I can use with really good results.

5) Auto- focus
- Was not final firmware but is good and much faster than GFX 50s. I would not put it in Nikon D5 / D850 class so it's still not for constant super fast action, super fast run and gun. But for general walk around, general action and for candids for those of you who are wedding photographers, I think it works. I'll be interested to see how quickly one can manually focus on the go with this new EVF.

Above four items make it a noticeably more advanced and flexible experience than the GFX 50s (still a great camera).

6) Resolution & Dynamic Range.
- Side by side shooting showed the improvements one would expect, including when I examined the images on computer. But really the context was not best for that comparison. As a landscape photographer who does his own printing up to 4' x 6'-14', this is most important to me.
- For anyone interested in this aspect, I suggest you download and compare DPReview's studio samples. (Looking at them online does not tell the full or accurate story.). GFX50s is already great. For my use case the GFX 100s brings a significant and important improvement.
- When I have a final unit I'll do some side by side field tests along with how the files play in post. I'll try to publish the results then.

7) Handled well.
- Lighter than I expected. About same size as a Nikon D5, but felt lighter.
- In some respects holds in hands better than GFX50s without a grip.
- Personally I like retro dials but I can now appreciate the camera is lighter and sleeker without them.
- Vertical grip is not as good as horizontal as we've seen written about, but I didn't think it was bad. Noting on my other such cameras I rarely use the vertical grip anyway. I prefer to turn my hand. People who use vertical grips regularly may have a very different view on this item. I'm guessing somebody will make an attachment to improve on this.

inviato il 19 Giugno 2019 ore 8:56


inviato il 19 Giugno 2019 ore 9:20

Già bella figura! Credibilità sotto i tacchi.....

inviato il 19 Giugno 2019 ore 9:23

Certo che la gfx100 se le magna tutte..

inviato il 19 Giugno 2019 ore 9:28

Dai Stefano che ne chiediamo due in prova MrGreenMrGreen

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