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Tamron 24-70 f/2.8 Vs Sigma 24-105 f/4 Dilemma

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  6. » Tamron 24-70 f/2.8 Vs Sigma 24-105 f/4 Dilemma

inviato il 04 Gennaio 2015 ore 11:10

Dear all,
I would like to get a wide/mid angle zoom for a full frame camra (nikon d750)
I'm looking to the following model:
- tamron AF 24-70 f/2.8 SP DI USD VC, or
-Sigma 24-105 f/4 DG OS HSM A
My dilemma is that the Tamron has a better image quality in term of sharpness, distortions, aberrations, speed etc..while the Sigma is more flexible due to the larger focal lenght (about 15% of my pictures has been shot within the 70-100mm range in the last 2 year).
Which lens do you suggest? Is there so big difference in term of perceived image quality to renounce to the higher flexibility provided by the Sigma lens?
Could you suggest any other valid alternative in the range of 24-70+ mm? (The nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 seems to be too heavy and expensive and provide similar performance, for such reason I'm not considering it)
Thank you in advance for any suggestion you may give me

inviato il 04 Gennaio 2015 ore 21:01

I'm searching the same zoom, but I cannot decide...just to make more confusion...There is also the Nikon 24-120 f4!But it's expensive (like ALL the nikon's stuff)and the opinions are not always too good (it's a kit lense).
I don't know...there are also some rumors about the new Sigma ART 24-70 f2 (not 2.8, 2!) (Sigma is making AMAZING lenses in the last period, and I guess the new one will be the same) and will make even more confusion. Probably I will wait a bit more in order to have all the possible options.

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