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live ND olympus e HDR RAW su tutte le fotocamere micro43

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  4. » live ND olympus e HDR RAW su tutte le fotocamere micro43

inviato il 28 Aprile 2022 ore 10:10


Si era parlato della possibilità di usare il live ND delle ultime olympus per ampliare la GD del file, e da prove fatte in effetti funziona bene.
Ho trovato questo post dove spiega come ottenerlo in camera anche con le altre fotocamere olympus che non lo supportano nativamente, tipo em1 mk2.
Beh.... è geniale come cosa e funziona a meraviglia, provato di persona, e genera alla fine sempre un unico file rawCool

inviato il 28 Aprile 2022 ore 12:10

Interessante, anche perchè, se capisco bene, si può andare avanti all'infinito.

inviato il 28 Aprile 2022 ore 12:26

Un po' troppo macchinoso e richiede la mano di un chirurgo però in casi estremi.. Può andare tipo quando dimentichi a casa il filtro nd e in quel momento ti serve

Anche perché sul cavalletto a quel punto converrebbe più usare lo scatto hi res e in post croppare a 20 mpx o fare il classico bracketing hdr

inviato il 28 Aprile 2022 ore 12:58

In realtà provi un paio di volte e poi è veloce e intuitivo.
Fai prima che a unire gli scatti dopo sicuramente e hai già fatto tutto il lavoro in camera, cancelli gli altri scatti e ti ritrovi un solo raw sulla schedina.
Lo userò sicuramente in futuro, cmq bella trovata.
E a sto punto mi viene anche da pensare che con un aggiornamento firmware non sia impossibile da implementare, ma solo un non volerlo fare

inviato il 28 Aprile 2022 ore 13:01

"Interessante, anche perchè, se capisco bene, si può andare avanti all'infinito"

Così sembra, il limite dovrebbe essere dato dalla raffica a 60fps e il buffer

inviato il 28 Aprile 2022 ore 13:44

Aggiungi che così non hai neanche limiti di tempo e iso

inviato il 28 Aprile 2022 ore 14:54

Mi fa pensare che con la em1.3 potrei usare la stessa tecnica e fondere 8 raw risultanti dal live nd 32 e avere un raw unico da 8 stop.

Edit.: anzi, potrebbe consentire di superare il limite del livend, visto che con questa funzione non si possono impostare velocità inferiori al mezzo secondo in livend 32, rendendolo poco utilizzabile in piena luce.

inviato il 28 Aprile 2022 ore 15:14

Dovrebbe funzionare anche con tempi lunghi in questo modo, non vedo controindicazioni.

inviato il 29 Aprile 2022 ore 8:02


inviato il 29 Aprile 2022 ore 10:02

Praticamente ce lo avevamo sotto il naso ma non l'abbiamo mai usatoMrGreen

inviato il 29 Aprile 2022 ore 12:14

HOW-TO: LiveND, 14 stops DR, ISO 25 RAW on any Olympus camera
Oct 18, 2019 Eeeek!!!

Don't know how many people know that any Olympus camera is capable of generating Medium Format image quality with a bit of fiddling in the playback menu.

It can be done on a tripod or handheld.

- Camera settings for shooting -
Image Stabilization set to Fps Priority (Cogs->C2 menu on E-M1 II) when doing this handheld
IBIS mode set to S-IS1 (All Direction Shake I.S.) when handheld or off when using tripod
Drive mode set to sequential High at highest possible framerate
Electronic shutter preferable
For convenience: Frame Count Limiter set to 2/4/8/16/32, depending on required effect - (Cogs->C1H Settings on E-M1 II) - if you're doing it handheld and are not confident in the stability, you might want to set the limit a bit higher to have some wiggle room in case first or last couple of images are not aligned

- Shooting procedure -
Handheld: assume stable position, press the shutter button until camera takes the desired number of photos
Tripod: same as above, only with tripod and preferably remote shutter release
Ok, so you've now got your 2/4/8/16/32 photos. What's it all about?

Simple. Image stacking. You merge all those photos into one, resulting in lower noise, thus better dynamic range and as a side effect, an ND filter effect. You can of course do that in Photoshop, but it can be done in-camera, which produces a single RAW file.

So in the end, shooting at base ISO of 200:

2 images = 1 stop ND filter, 1 stop noise reduction, ISO 100
4 images = 2 stop ND filter, 2 stop noise reduction, ISO 50
8 images = 3 stop ND filter, 3 stop noise reduction, ISO 25
16 images = 4 stop ND filter, 4 stop noise reduction, ISO 12.5
and so on...

- Result -
Here's a sample handheld result (full res, 100% JPEG, heavy files). To illustrate the point better, I have applied a lot of settings that make any noise a lot more pronounced. This is intentional, just to show the improvement better. I would normally not process a photo this way. Note that there is ZERO noise reduction of any kind applied to the RAW. Everything done in Darktable.

- Stacking procedure -
I really should make a video of it, but it sounds like so much work... Anyway, here it goes.

Let's start with two photos, since this is the part that will be repeated multiple times.

Enter playback mode
Go to the grid view (using a dial)
Find the two photos to process and select one of them using arrow buttons
Press OK, this will bring out a menu
Select Image Overlay option from that menu (you might have to scroll down a bit to see it)
Choose 2Images Merge, you will be thrown back to grid view, note that the image you were just viewing is now selected and there's a checkmark over it
Select the second image and press OK, a new screen appears with two tiny images at the bottom and a big preview image at the top
There are two numbers on the tiny bottom images, up/down buttons change the value, left/right switch between the images. Set both values to 0.5
Press OK and then select Yes and press OK again, the camera will think for a second
You are now seeing a merged image, you can go back to the grid view. Note that the new image appear last.
So this is the basic building block of the procedure. It might look complicated when presented like that, but it's really trivial once you do it once.

So, how to do it for 8 images? You have to repeat the above procedure 7 times:

Merge each pair of the 8 photos. This will result in four 2 image stack.
Merge each pair of those 4 stacks. This will get you two 4 image stack.
Merge the remaining 2 stacks. This will result in the final 8 image stack.
The tricky part is that each resulting merged image will take you to the end of the image list. From there you need to find the set you were processing and then select the right pair to process. This is where the lock function comes in. Pressing the lock button puts a fat green key icon over the image. Use that as a marker. I simply lock the right side image of the pair I am processing. This makes the process trivial, as I know what was the last pair I merged.

- Considerations and limitations -
Basically, the faster the camera and the better the IBIS, the less limited this method is. So the best results will be using E-M1X and E-M1 Mark II, followed by E-M5 III and then all the rest. And I did perform this process on the original E-M1. It works.

- Doing it handheld -
There is no alignment process here. This means that there must not be any movement in between the shots.

This is why the state of the art IBIS is important and a reason Fps Priority needs to be used. With my E-M1 II, I can do the 16 shot version when fast shutter speed is involved.

Also, before proceeding, verify that there is no shifting between the images. Shooting E-M1 Mark II, I don't bother doing that anymore unless I'm pushing my luck by actually attempting semi long exposures.

- Live ND -
You can see the problem of this method for simulating an ND filter in the example above. It does not work well for fast moving objects when using very short exposures and just 8 frames. If you can do it on a tripod and use half a second exposures or a lot of frames, the effect would be a lot better and probably indistinguishable from a real ND filter

Obviously, doing that handheld will greatly depend on your stability and IBIS performance. The older cameras with slower burst modes and slower sensor readouts will have longer gaps in between the individual shots, which will exacerbate the issue.

- Shortcut to do it quicker -
It's possible to merge 3 images at a time. So instead of three passes (7 merges) to process 8 images, you can do two passes (4 merges) to process 9 images. The problem is that the next step after 9 is 21

Also, 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.3 = 0.9, so either each consecutive stack gets slightly darker, or you use 0.4 for one of the images, making it dominant.

But it would still work well for noise reduction, so for static scenes when you don't care about getting an ND filter effect, this speeds up the process significantly. Also, the math is no longer simple, so for the sake of simplicity, I stick to 2 images in this guide.

inviato il 29 Aprile 2022 ore 14:08

"C'è un modo per non interagire fisicamente con la macchina?

Poter fare tutto senza toccarla intendo."


inviato il 02 Maggio 2022 ore 8:16

Con lo stesso principio ho provato anche a fare un braketing in camera e funzionaCool
Praticamente si uniscono 3 o più scatti e si ha un solo file RAW hdr.
Credo che alla fine il metodo più veloce e senza sbattimento sia questo, fai tre scatti e unisci una sola volta (nel menù si può unire max 3 scatti alla volta).
Si ottiene cmq un file con molta più ciccia da lavorare rispetto al singolo scatto, e tutto IN CAMERA

inviato il 02 Maggio 2022 ore 8:21

Ho aggiornato il titolo

inviato il 02 Maggio 2022 ore 10:20

Azz... sempre più interessante!

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