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  4. » Zerynthia polyxena

Zerynthia polyxena...

Papilionidae 1.

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Zerynthia polyxena inviata il 14 Gennaio 2014 ore 23:07 da Pronor. 6 commenti, 996 visite.

con Sigma 2x EX DG, 1.3 sec f/22.0, ISO 200, treppiede. Specie: Zerynthia polyxena

Date: 2010.04. Location: Csongrád megye, Hungary. On one of the oxbow sections of the Tisza, on the Fehérpart (White Bank) in South-east Hungary, I managed to observe a trio of Southern Festoon butterflies (Zerynthia polyxena) by the end of April during an afternoon excursion, as they were sunbathing in an empty plot on the bank of the oxbow in an area of approx. 2000 square meters. They flew only a couple of meters away each time. I had been watching these rare and protected butterflies for about an hour when I realized, that I must immediately go home for my photographer equipment, if I wanted to get back before sunset. I made it back in time, although the sun-rays arriving at a low angle were blocked by the trees surrounding the plot, and I was blocked by the fence, the reed and the water, making it difficult to break out of the realm of shadows. It made me feel worse that there was huge grass on the plot, in which there were millions of ticks, I checked my clothes after every move. Finally I had found an area of 2-3 square meters, where light infiltrated, though I had to adjust to its migration, but using a plamp I did everything to perpetuate two of these beautiful butterflies in a special composition. I chose the last picture of this series, on which the filtered colors of the set sun reflected the theme from the back, and I tried to enhance the details with my reflector.

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inviato il 14 Gennaio 2014 ore 23:10

Complimenti, davvero molto bella!
Buona notte,

inviato il 16 Gennaio 2014 ore 8:34


inviato il 16 Gennaio 2014 ore 20:08 | Questo commento è stato tradotto automaticamente (mostra/nascondi originale)

Wonder Super!

inviato il 19 Gennaio 2014 ore 10:02

No doubt your story is better appreciate the shot of these two wonderful people. For personal taste, but especially for the beauty of the wings would have them presented in their entirety. Anyway congratulations.

inviato il 26 Gennaio 2014 ore 19:43 | Questo commento è stato tradotto automaticamente (mostra/nascondi originale)

Immagini e storia molto bella, complimenti!


inviato il 04 Febbraio 2014 ore 0:58 | Questo commento è stato tradotto automaticamente (mostra/nascondi originale)

Molte grazie a tutti.

RCE Foto

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