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La poesia della Natura

Vedi galleria (60 foto)

Feelings inviata il 06 Marzo 2020 ore 18:26 da Piki Pikitorija. 5 commenti, 153 visite. [retina]

1/640 f/4.8, ISO 200,

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inviato il 06 Marzo 2020 ore 19:28

Time by time happens that the dark side which lives inside each of us wakes up and seems making all our dreams, thoughts, grey. Seems biting the hopes making everything tough and difficult. The sun is shining even behind. It doesn't stop lighting our soul. Is there waiting for a sign to push away the dark and make our life fabulous again. I do prefer, in your shot, to see the sun. The darkness is a matter of a while.
With my compliments

inviato il 07 Marzo 2020 ore 0:53

The power which contains the light of the sun - in the Nature and also in our lives. It's always comes and always exists even in the storm.
The power of the sun..

Your interpretation is like a wild and beautiful bird crossing the sky

Thank you


inviato il 07 Marzo 2020 ore 13:59

MrGreenMrGreenMrGreen wild OK, beautiful ... let's talk! MrGreenMrGreenMrGreen
Have a nice day

inviato il 07 Marzo 2020 ore 16:05

I think it's very beautiful.
Am i wrong?..


inviato il 07 Marzo 2020 ore 18:33

Yes, Piki. Or better, no. yes, no. I'm creating chaos again Eeeek!!!. I try to explain myself better. Is the picture nice? Yes, it is. I mean, your picture is simply amazing. The sun is hidden but pushes. Seems to remember everyone that clouds are only something in between, like many obstacles you find on the way of your life. Those difficulties are simply obstacles, difficulties, nothing which stops your life and your right to be happy. The dark cloud in the front seems to be even more tough against the blue sky and the sun. If you compare your picture to the human life, this is a picture which summarises the experiences of everyone.
Believe in the Sun. This is the message I got. It is there, after the thunderstorm, don't be worry. The Sun will shine your life again. The message I got is clear and should be something we will have in mind every time something wrong happens. "Do your best" is the message. The Sun will shine again.
I hope, Piki, I was able to explain myself a bit better.

Mi sentence was a joke on your sentence
Your interpretation is like a wild and beautiful bird crossing the sky

Have a nice evening.


RCE Foto

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