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  4. » Area coperta del Sultan Amir Ahmad bagno

Area coperta del Sultan Amir Ahmad bagno...

Historical Buildings 4

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Area coperta del Sultan Amir Ahmad bagno inviata il 26 Febbraio 2019 ore 8:17 da Shahab Haghighat. 0 commenti, 434 visite.

a 12mm, 6 sec f/18.0, ISO 100, treppiede.

Iran/Kashan, Safavid Dynasty - Sultan Amir Ahmad Historical Bath, with an area of 1102 square meters, is located in the ancient city of Kashan. It is an example of the most outstanding baths in Iran in terms of architecture and decoration. Its name is derived from the holy shrine of Sultan Amir Ahmad, which lies its vicinity. It dates back to the Safavid and Qajar eras. The 17 restored layers of lime and plaster that are indicative of its antiquity are of high importance in the building. The other masterpiece of the building is its roof. The walls of the bath are beautifully decorated in with turquoise and golden tiles. The bath is composed of a counter, a foyer connecting corridors, a change room, a main bath, a cleansing room, a reservoir, toilets and two wells. Its roof is one of the most beautiful domed roofs in Iran. Each dome is covered with a convex lens glass that blocks the view to the inside while providing enough light to different parts of the bath. To maintain the internal temperature, baths were usually built in the soil and below the ground surface. The Flagstone of the bath, which is a plaque stone is always warm owing to the passage of smoke and heat from the furnaces and lower channels. Therefore, the bath needs no heating devices regarding the technical principles of construction. The bath is one of the most complex types of buildings. This house is listed in the national register of the historical places of Iran with the reference number of 1351, and it is owned by the municipality of Kashan.

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