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  4. » Colors of Ghent

Colors of Ghent...

Traveling around Europe

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Colors of Ghent inviata il 27 Novembre 2016 ore 20:48 da Andhy. 0 commenti, 854 visite. [retina]

, 10 sec f/7.1, ISO 200, treppiede. Gand, Belgio.

Ghent | Belgium | Ghent is a city of Belgium, the capital of East Flanders. It covers an area of ??156.18 km², and in 2012 counted 251,133 inhabitants (01.01.2014), which it was the third most populated city in Belgium. Ghent was the capital of the ancient county of Flanders, often rival of Bruges, and the birthplace of Charles V. Important railway junction, also has a seaport that, through a series of channels, it connects to the North Sea. The city's motto is in Latin Fides et amor, loyalty and love. The local dialect 'Gantois' is one of the most typical in Belgium. The name "Gand" is derived from the Celtic Ganda, which means "confluence", as it is situated at the confluence of the Leie and Scheldt rivers. Ghent was one of the last outposts of Paganism in Gaul, however, at the beginning of the seventh century, Amandus founded two abbeys, that of St. Peter's in 625 and that of St. Bavo in 650, around which developed immediately villages . The Vikings occupied and destroyed several times Ghent and the surrounding region nell'851-852 and between 879 and 883, until they were finally stopped in the fall dell'891.

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