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Paesaggi e natura

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Senza Titolo inviata il 19 Ottobre 2013 ore 1:12 da Arnau. 0 commenti, 573 visite.

Freiburg im Breisgau, Germania.

Like our Sun all the stars have an apparent rotational motion around the earth. But the stars are actually lying in the "Celestial sphere", an imaginary sphere centred on the Earth. This sphere rotates around us in a 24h cycle. Because of the huge distance between us and the stars, enormously bigger than the radius of the earth and the solar system as well, the arrangement of the stars in this sphere doesn't significantly change over the 24h Earth rotation and not either over the year. The Celestial sphere rotates around the imaginary extensions of the Earth's axis, which intersect it at the celestial poles. From the northern hemisphere we can only see the northern celestial pole, approximately coinciding with the position of the North star (Polaris). To our eyes this star looks indeed stationary. The colour of the stars varies according to their superficial temperature. This ranges from 1000-2000K, the colder ones, reddish-orange-yellowish, to 20.000-30.000K of the hotter ones, seen as blue. Our Sun is around 6000K and it's therefore white. This image results from a series of photos taken from Shauinsland (1284m), close to Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

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