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Historical Buildings 4

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Sabat inviata il 15 Settembre 2018 ore 13:46 da Shahab Haghighat. 1 commenti, 617 visite.

a 37mm, 1/60 f/22.0, ISO 100, mano libera.

Iran/Qazvin/Saad al-Saltaneh Caravanserai, Qajar Dynasty. Sabat is a Persian word taken from a word made up of two words, e.g., shadow and wind, and figuratively means a porch. In the ancient architecture of Iran, it referred to the semi-roofed alleys existing in the tropical and cold cities of Iran. In the tropical cities, the alleys had to be tight, and the walls were built high to produce shadows. The sabats were passages that protected the people against cold and heat. As the structure was semi-roofed, it produced shadow in summer and caused the air inside the sabat to be cooler than the air outside, because of the current of air that was produced. For the same reason, in winter, the air inside the sabats was warmer than the air outside of the sabat. Besides moderating the temperature, sabats had various other functions too. As sabats produced shadows, they made the face of the city interesting, and as they were earthquake resistant, they added to the strength of the nearby buildings. In the ancient times, sometimes bandits attacked the cities, plundered the houses, and then escaped horseback from the scene. For this reason the height of the sabats was selected so that a man riding on horseback could not enter the alley; consequently, people had more security. This situation had an educational role at the entrance of religious buildings, so that it made the person entering the building to stoop and overcome his pride and arrogance.

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inviato il 15 Settembre 2018 ore 21:54

Bellissimo effetto grafico, complimenti.

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