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  4. » Antichi Forestale, impressioni

Antichi Forestale, impressioni...

New Forest - Black & White

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Antichi Forestale, impressioni inviata il 15 Novembre 2016 ore 4:17 da Timk2. 10 commenti, 1407 visite. [retina]

a 11mm, 1/4 f/10.0, ISO 100, treppiede. New Forest National Park, Regno Unito.

I no longer will be able to leave comments on the many excellent images posted by the often very talented photographers here on Juza. I will, of course, add 'likes' to ones that I do, which are many. For the past eighteen months or so, I have diligently tried to comment on images of those who have commented on mine, tried to praise and encourage and offer positive critical reviews when I felt such was required. However, recently, when I have been out walking for half a day and then felt so tired and exhausted to even cook myself a meal, I have found it more difficult to undertake the same level of Juza 'duties'. I have, of late, felt rather guilty when some of my images have had such huge support but I have not been able to thank everybody or look at postings from every contributor. I now need to spend even less time on such, as for the past couple of years I have mostly abandoned other interests and consequently, lost contact with some friends who I shared such interests with. Photography will always be my reason for living, for artistic expression and a day without photography is a day unfulfilled. I need to concentrate more on the next chapter in both my artistic life as well as my social one. I will always be glad of and be appreciative of the friendship and social aspect gained through forums and such, but MY photography is essentially just me with my camera and sharing such online is very much a small part at the end of the chain. It is being in and experiencing the landscape, rural or urban, and making sense of it, making an impression, making order of the chaos, that is what I live for. Such as this impression of ancient woodland, taken just a few days ago - most would much prefer the carpet of brown leaves, the greens and golds of the autumn leaves but I've gone for the gnarled and the old, the impression that was left on me when I was there. Thanking you ALL in advance and happy and productive photography for everybody in the future. #BlackAndWhite

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inviato il 15 Novembre 2016 ore 4:38 | Questo commento è stato tradotto automaticamente (mostra/nascondi originale)

inviato il 15 Novembre 2016 ore 9:44

ma che bella!grande atmosfera ciao

inviato il 15 Novembre 2016 ore 17:24

Bellissima location. Ottimo scatto e bellissimo viraggio in bianco e nero. Complimenti!

inviato il 15 Novembre 2016 ore 21:35 | Questo commento è stato tradotto automaticamente (mostra/nascondi originale)

Ciao Tim ....

Gran tiro mia friend..very bella immagine BW ..... amo .... eccellente e splendida immagine ....

J'ai lu votre texte joint à cette foto ..... Oui, il faut y mettre beaucoup de temps sur Juza .... moi aussi, j'ai avviare un diminuer .... Il ya d'autres choses à faire dans le vie que Juza .... Je suis comme vous, j'ai toujours fait de la photo depuis des années ..... j'avais vingt ans et, J'en ai fait plus de ..... 50 ans ..... sauf .... c'est versare m'amuser ..... que fait j'en ..... la modération un toujours meilleur goût .... dans toutes chosessss

J'espère, mon cher ami, que je vais continuatore de voir Vos Belle foto ..... si, vous Venez visiter le Québec, faITES-moi le savoir !!!

Jean, Quebec, buona giornata Tim, la prossima volta ....

inviato il 15 Novembre 2016 ore 23:02 | Questo commento è stato tradotto automaticamente (mostra/nascondi originale)

Spero che tu sei in grado di trovare un certo equilibrio.
Io continuerò a seguirvi, commenti o commenti.
Stai attento.

inviato il 17 Novembre 2016 ore 10:58

Un b&n d'autore , ottima composizione Tim, complimenti Cool

claudio c

inviato il 17 Novembre 2016 ore 16:20

hello Tim, beautiful!!!

inviato il 18 Novembre 2016 ore 8:03

Veramente un bel bianco e nero Tim. Ottima la gestione della luce ed il viraggio.
Complimenti per il lavoro svolto.
Ciao a presto Mauro :-P;-)

inviato il 18 Novembre 2016 ore 12:34

I'm reading your post only now and I think I understand perfectly how you feel. Your comments often are not just confined to "nice photo" but they are more complex and comprehensive. That is why they are so valuable to the recipient, but also involve a great deal of time for you to write them down, with the risk of losing touch with real life. Take it easy, Tim. We will be looking forward to admire your beautiful photos, like this old forest with sunlight filtering through the gnarled and withered branches. Cheers!Sorriso

inviato il 19 Novembre 2016 ore 0:55

Bellissimo scatto mi ha colpito molto;-)
Ciao Bruno

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