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  4. » Under the first snow

Under the first snow...

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Under the first snow inviata il 09 Novembre 2016 ore 15:33 da Fpl1966. 7 commenti, 423 visite. [retina]

con Canon EF 1.4x III, 1/1000 f/5.6, ISO 4000, mano libera.

Photo dedicated to my love Sym Picinni Leopardi Buranabenjasatian Living in UAE is sometimes good. But the season changing is little, and the green is missing. This morning was snowing here in Geneve. Near the hotel where we use to rest, close to the airport, there is a small garden. This garden is not maintained at all, so it is actually wild: I went out because I know there are some tits around, I remember them since last year when I came here. This blue tit was looking for some food. Winter is coming. In the post production of this photo I used a cold key (low color temperature around 3000K), to enhance the blueness of the cold winter and temperature (around -2) in contrast with the red berries of the trees and the colorful tit. All this with some snow coming down. The photo technically was a little challenging as the light was very low and the tits are very fast moving birds (and shy). Also to freeze the snow I had to use a fast shutter speed. So I got a compromise, as usual in nature photography, I close 1 stop the aperture at f/5,6 so to have all the bird in focus, and 1/1000sec which I consider the minimum in photographing fast moving little birds like tits. The Iso I used 4000, is not so high and with some targeting denoise the result is still acceptable. All used a 300mm + 1,4x to have 420mm which, to those in the bird photography, know is the minimum reach to have decent details at almost 6 mts to these birds. Normaly for these kind of photo I used the "rear focusing technic" so the shutter button is only used for taking the photo, when the focusing I used rear dedicated button. In this way I can use AI servo all the time and stop the subject only releasing the rear button. Canon EOS 1Dx Mark II with EF 300mm f/2,8 L IS USM II + 1,4x III

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inviato il 09 Novembre 2016 ore 15:58

Splendida ..da poster ...Eeeek!!!

inviato il 09 Novembre 2016 ore 17:08

Concordo, un quadro. Complimenti.


inviato il 09 Novembre 2016 ore 18:11

Molto bella, complimenti.

inviato il 09 Novembre 2016 ore 19:13


inviato il 10 Novembre 2016 ore 0:08

Assolutamente tenera e bella vivace! Mi piace un sacco.
Hanno ragione: è da poster, ciao.. :-P

inviato il 10 Novembre 2016 ore 9:17

Bella in tutto , complimenti
ciao Mauro

inviato il 10 Novembre 2016 ore 9:42

Grazie a tutti per il passsaggio e i commenti.

Filippo ;-)

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