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  4. » Leucistici Red Kite

Leucistici Red Kite...


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Leucistici Red Kite inviata il 16 Novembre 2012 ore 22:26 da Steve Mackay. 22 commenti, 3079 visite.

con Canon EF 1.4x II, 1/8000 f/8.0, ISO 800, mano libera. Specie: Milvus milvus

A shot of a Leucistic Red Kite, taken at the Gigrin Farm Red Kite feeding station in Wales. There are 2 Leucistic red Kite's at Gigrin and luckily for me/the photo, this was the one without the huge wing tags :) Leucism "is a condition characterized by reduced pigmentation in animals. Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in all types of skin pigment, not just melanin". The two Leucistic Red Kite's at Gigrin were really getting a hard time from the other Kite's (and they were both noticably smaller than their "Red" counterparts), so I would surmise that Leucism is a major disadvantage for wild animals. Their success must have a lot to do with the feeding station, where dinner is served every day of the year...........so this is a completely Wild bird, but the level of difficulty in finding the birds and getting them to come close is very small (because of the "feeding Station").......the biggest challenge was my 5d2's horrendously pathethic Auto Focus LOL (how I wished for a 7D, 1D4, 1DX....or D4 ;-)).....this is cropped quite a lot (reduced to 6MP from 21MP....which is quite a lot!) Thanks for looking, cheers! :-)


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inviato il 20 Novembre 2012 ore 10:52

spettacolare Eeeek!!!Eeeek!!! grande foto! ottima in tutto! complimenti!!

inviato il 21 Novembre 2012 ore 16:38 | Questo commento è stato tradotto automaticamente (mostra/nascondi originale)

Grazie tutti!, Molto apprezzato! :-)

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