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  4. » Uno sguardo dal Ridgeway

Uno sguardo dal Ridgeway...

Landscape - Colour - Summer

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Uno sguardo dal Ridgeway inviata il 09 Luglio 2016 ore 12:11 da Timk2. 25 commenti, 1724 visite. [retina]

a 58mm, 1/800 f/8.0, ISO 320, mano libera.

The Ridgeway path is one of the oldest thoroughfares in Europe, dating back many thousands of years and links many iconic neolithic and iron ages settlements and monuments as it largely follows sharp ridges of chalk escarpment, across the south of England. At its most northerly tip, on the Marlborough Downs lies the huge battlements of the Iron Age remains of Barbury Castle. This was my first walk there, yesterday, around 25km all in and it was so WINDY, photos even with standard zoom lens required around 1/1000 second AND the vibration control! The light was poor too, for most of the time, the only sunlight here just creeping through as patches in the distance, so I had to inject some selective contrast and light into the rest of the scene too. The rusty orangey brown colour is in fact rapeseed, on its way from the glorious bright yellow as we know (which is the flower) to dark brown, where the dried seed is then harvested by machine as the crop. It won't get any redder than this and will just get a darker brown.

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inviato il 10 Luglio 2016 ore 17:46

Fantastica, bellissime cromie!

inviato il 11 Luglio 2016 ore 0:05

Bella composizione, ciao Andrea.

inviato il 11 Luglio 2016 ore 0:07 | Questo commento è stato tradotto automaticamente (mostra/nascondi originale)

Grazie Agata -

grazie anche Andrea!

inviato il 14 Luglio 2016 ore 1:57

Una magnifica distesa, molto piacevole d'ammirare..!! Bella!!
Ciao Salvo;-)

inviato il 14 Luglio 2016 ore 2:24 | Questo commento è stato tradotto automaticamente (mostra/nascondi originale)

È stato davvero un bel panorama, grazie Salvo.

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