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Cambio Hardware per 5dIII ? fantascienza?

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  4. » Cambio Hardware per 5dIII ? fantascienza?

inviato il 28 Febbraio 2014 ore 13:13

Ho letto questo su CAnonRumors:
We received an email stating that a certain company is getting ready to announce a hardware hack for Canon EOS cameras. Only the EOS 5D Mark III was listed, but other EOS cameras are likely.
The hack requires the mainboard inside the camera gets replaced with the modified custom board. It was not mentioned how, or where you'd send your camera to get the modification. I'd think they'd have to give away a few modified cameras to get the trust of the consumer. The reported cost of the mod is $1000 USD.
As for the modification itself, it's said it will "greatly improve dynamic range and video sharpness and performance in the EOS 5D Mark III."
I've heard about these types of things in the past, and nothing has ever come of them. This one seems a bit different, but we'll have to wait and see.

inviato il 28 Febbraio 2014 ore 13:18

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