False info in Discussion Forum November 27, 2018, 20:22 I read many many times the lens used on APS-C cameras have a magnification directly proportional with its crop factor. Totally false. The magnification of a lens is an intrinsic characteristics of the lens that does not depends on the sensor size (the formed image on the sensor has the same height on any sensor depending only on the focal length, the height of the photographed object and the distance to that object). But it is true that on FF and APS-C sensors with the same number of pixels and consequently with higher pixel density on the APS-C vs FF, the aparent magnification is higher on APS-C, simply because of the higher pixel density of the sensor. As a conclusion, magnification is function of relative pixel density of the sensor and not function of the crop factor. On sensors with the same pixel density the magnification will be the same with the same lens on different sensor sizes.
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